

Hi! I go by Goleihm (go-lem) online, and use she/they pronouns. I got trans-ed by the end of my first year of college, and have never been happier. At the same time, I also developed a strange ticky-friend a doctor called 'tourettes'. They just chill with me through-out my day, and sometimes, they decide to come out to play. A skipping, tripping, mouth-clicking critter for company.

I am currently an Undergrad in Environmental Literature (an English Major), and have been making creative stuff ever since covid (and a-little before that). But, one thing or another always held me back from posting it online. Until now! I've decided to polishing-up some finished projects, and post them for other people to (hopefully!) enjoy.

I have a few books on the bookshelf and itch.io, I've got an album released on Bandcamp, artwork is on Cara, and I've got some cool videos on YouTube if you want to check them out. All of those links can be found at the top of the page.